Rhiannon's Reading Corner

My name is Rhiannon, and I have loved books for as long as I can remember. From volunteering to read to preschoolers to writing novels to creating custom-curated book boxes, I can't imagine a life without books.
Professionally, I work as a dog trainer and a nanny in Vancouver (Canada), pursuing two of my other interests (dogs and children 😍).
My Story
Stories have always been important to me, so I guess it isn't a surprise that I got into books and acting pretty early in life!
Any medium for telling a story brings me to life. I was unschooled growing up, meaning I had a lot of time to pursue my own interests. I remember walking to the library on my own as a six year old, then getting carried away reading books until closing time. I usually had to borrow their phone to call for a ride home when I realized it had gotten dark while I was reading 😅.
I was writing stories before I could write (that's why my first chapter book was titled "The Garden Qoust"). At fifteen I self-published a children's novel called "Bertrice".
Currently I run a subscription box, sending custom-picked used books to kids.
Have a question or comment? Feel free to contact me!
Instagram: @loved.books.box