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Book Recommendations

Here are my top picks for each age category. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have over the years!

For Kids(Ages 5-8)

This section is filled with early reader books and kids' chapter books. These are some of the first books a child will read on their own, so it is important for them to have some good options! Here are some of my favourites. Use the grey arrow to browse books and click on the covers to read more!

For Intermediates(Ages 8-13)

Middle grade novels! In my opinion, books written for kids this age are usually the best of all, and that's why I still read and review them regularly. The pre-teen years are so important, and the books we read at this age can really shape who we become. Use the grey arrow to browse books and click on the covers to read more!

For Teens And Up(Ages 13+)

My favorite picks from YA and Adult literature are in this section. It seems to me that a good teen book is pretty hard to find, but once you do, it can change your life and how you view the world. This little list is here to help guide you through the vast world of YA and Adult books. Use the grey arrow to browse books and click on the covers to read more!

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